โ›๏ธSpider Miner Setup Guide


NOTE: Please use a Desktop or Laptop's Web browser to use the Spider Miner! Don't use a mobile web browser!

Step 1

Unpack the SpiderMiner and remove all packaging.

Step 2

Plugin the Ethernet Source cable to the LAN of your ISP Router.


Step 3

Step 4


Step 5

Connect the WIFI called SpiderMiner (2.4G). The Default login password is โ€œ Spider290 โ€œ , dont forget the capital โ€Sโ€

Step 6

Create an Account on https://spidervpn.org/clientarea/register.php (if you have already created an account then skip this step)

Step 7

Open your Browser and visit: or http://connect.spidervpn.org

to Activate your SpiderMiner.

Step 8

Login using the details you previously created at https://spidervpn.org and hit Activate.


Step 9

Your SpiderMiner is now ready to connect to the VPN hit Select Location.

Step 10

Choose a location from the list shown below.


Step 11

Once you have chosen a location you can change that location by toggling the connect button Off and On

NOTE: You can't start mining without connecting to your wallet!

Step 12

Make sure that your meta mask wallet is connected to the moon river network. You can check this by clicking on the networks section of your meta mask wallet. If its not available add it, move to step 13.

Step 13

Add the Moonriver Network by entering the creds below:

Network Name: Moonriver

New RPC URL: https://rpc.moonriver.moonbeam.network

Chain ID: 1285

Currencey Symbol : MOVR

Step 14

Your SpiderMiner is now ready to start mining, ckick on Start Mining as shown below.

NOTE: After clicking Start Mining, please wait patiently as it can take some time to initiate.

Step 15

As seen below the screen will show your total miner earnings with a download and upload speed, ensuring you are connected to the network.

Step 16

Click on the + icon as shown by Point 1. The Metamask window will pop up. Next click on Add token as shown by Point 2. This will add the tokens to your Metamask wallet.

NOTE: Do this for all the tokens one by one.

Step 17

That's it, your Miner is up and running and you can monitor your total earnings as shown below.

TIP: We strongly recommend you bond all of your tokens as this will increase your return on investment. To do this, simply click on the โ€˜Bond All Tokensโ€™ button.

Last updated